One of the main internet tools you’re using to build your business opportunity is also one of the main reasons that you don’t have more sign-ups in your network marketing company. It’s the replicated website that the company offers after you sign up as a distributor. Sometimes this is free. Sometimes they charge you for it. Ideally this should be your primary tool for explaining the business, but often it’s the reason why your prospect doesn’t join. It’s almost worthless when it comes to presenting the business in a way that will convert a lead to a prospect and then into a sale. Why? Well, for starters...
First impressions are extremely important. you don’t want the very first impression your prospect has of your business be something that causes them to leave. Sales will be lost. If your website doesn't convert, that's a problem. You definitely don’t want to pay money for driving traffic to an ineffective website. It's like rolling a wheelbarrow of money out into the street and lighting it with a match. Attracting and Keeping Website Visitors One of the biggest problems with these ready-made websites is they all contain the exact same content. If every distributor has the same website that’s a lot of duplicated content. Search engines hate duplicated content, so your replicated site will never show up in Google. If you cannot rank in the search engines or get found by people that are looking for what your opportunity is offering, that's a problem. If you want people enrolling in your business every month, you MUST start thinking like an internet marketer. The Sales Funnel You must use a very clear path that takes the prospect by the hand and leads them to make certain actions which will ultimately move them to a place where they will want to join your business opportunity. There’s a mental process people go through before making a purchase, and the best way to facilitate that buying decision is by using a sales funnel. The funnel keeps prospects engaged with a logical sequence of actions and micro-commitments. All the way to the point of pulling out their credit card and signing up with you. This all needs to be done in a compelling, persuasive and respectful way. Prospects want a presentation that gives them everything that they want to know and shows them how they are going to be successful. If you offer this it’s like having a marketing machine that runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, converting leads into team members on auto-pilot! Outsourcing
You can outsource these parts of your business that are too difficult to do and that take too much of your time. You should highly consider outsourcing your website and sales funnel. By using the Team Builders marketing system you will have the benefit of a team of network marketing professionals that know how to recruit prospects into various opportunities. They will present your prospects with the benefits of your products and services and show them how they can succeed. There are ways around just using your replicated MLM website to recruit. Begin using a sales system with proven results. Click on the Home button found at the top menu of this page to learn more! |
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